Yoga Workshops
Join David & Gillian to delve deeper into some of the many brilliant facets of the jewels called yoga! These workshops are created to enhance your understanding and enrich your experience. There are many different ways to engage and make yoga, and we want to bring more of those opportunities to you.
Each workshop is longer than the average class, and will always be open to students of all levels.
Partner Yoga
Saturday, May 14, 5:30 - 7PM
with Meg Merry
In this workshop, David partners with former student and fellow yogi Meg Merry, who will lean on each other to guide you through assisted poses you will do with a partner. These poses utilize balance, counterbalance, and the weight of your partner to enable you to access more than you normally could on your own. Through this workshop we will develop strength, flexibility, and trust.
Class will be held at Gather on 1347 Locust Street in Walnut Creek. For more information and to sign up, please contact Meg 925-719-5052 or email us at The workshop is $98 per couple.

Previous Workshops
Partner Yoga
Saturday, February 12, 3 - 5PM
Join us for this fun and accessible workshop for two!
Yoga is to yoke; union; connection. Yoga is both a state of connection and a body of techniques that allow us to connect.
In this workshop we will guide you through assisted poses you will do with a partner. Learn how to utilize balance, counterbalance, and the weight of your partner, which will enable you to access more than you normally could on your own. Through this workshop we will develop strength, flexibility, and trust.
Class will be held at Nest Yoga Studio on 3976 Piedmont Avenue. Join us for a 90-minute practice followed by champagne and chocolates! Advanced registration and proof of vaccination are required; space is limited.
Suggested payment is $120 per couple.

Saturday, January 8, 3PM - 4:30PM
Join us for indulgently relaxing yoga asanas in our first live and in-person workshop!
In this workshop, we let gravity do the work for us. This aspect of yoga uses props to fully support the mostly supine poses. Lying down, supported in different ways with the props, we can stay much longer in each pose, releasing tension, relaxing our muscles, and generating a calmness that pervades the synergistic being.
Class will be held at Nest Yoga Studio on 3976 Piedmont Avenue. All props will be available, no need to bring your own! Suggested payment is $60 per person. Advanced registration is required; proof of vaccination is required by the studio.

Saturday, April 24, 10AM - 11:30AM
Join us for this workshop of indulgently relaxing yoga asanas: Restorative yoga.
In this workshop, we let gravity do the work for us. This aspect of yoga uses props to fully support the mostly supine poses. Lying down, supported in different ways with the props, we can stay much longer in each pose, releasing tension, relaxing our muscles, and generating a calmness that pervades the synergistic being.
Class will be held on Zoom. Please have blocks, blankets, towels, straps, bolsters, and throw pillows. Suggested payment is $35. Online registration is required; Zoom links will be sent via email.

Saturday, April 10, 10AM-12PM
Develop vrikshasana and its variations and growths while reflecting on the sage Mandavya's story.
Build up to tree pose, strengthen your trunk, and grow variations of branches. After a short break, we will explore the story of the sage who stood in tree pose for 10,000 years.
Class will be held on Zoom and has a break built in to the time. Please have a strap, a block, as well as a comfortable seat for the philosophy portion of the workshop. Suggested payment is $40. Online registration is required; Zoom links will be sent via email.

Yoga on the Wall
Saturday, March 20, 10-11:30AM
Venture into yoga asanas using the wall as a prop, as first explored in our Ganesha workshop.
We will use the wall in this asana workshop to cultivate our poses. The wall will be our prop for support, balance, and security. This will enable us to work deeper into poses without fear of falling over backwards, and gives us a very different experience of the poses we do everyday.
Class will be held on Zoom. Clear access to a wall, long enough to put your mat lengthwise against it, is necessary for the class. Suggested payment is $35. Online registration is required; Zoom links will be sent via email.

Saturday, February 27, 10AM - 11:30AM
Join us for this workshop of indulgently relaxing yoga asanas: Restorative yoga.
In this workshop, we let gravity do the work for us. This aspect of yoga uses props to fully support the mostly supine poses. Lying down, supported in different ways with the props, we can stay much longer in each pose, releasing tension, relaxing our muscles, and generating a calmness that pervades the synergistic being.

Partner Yoga
Saturday, February 13, 10AM - 12PM
Join us for this fun and accessible workshop for two!
In this workshop we will guide you through assisted poses you will do with a partner. These poses utilize balance, counterbalance, and the weight of your partner to enable you to access more than you normally could on your own. Through this workshop we will develop strength, flexibility, and trust.

Saturday, January 30, 10AM-1PM
Venture into yoga asanas using the wall as a prop, and delve into the mythical story of Ganesha, the yogi with an elephant head.
We will use the wall in this asana workshop for support and added challenges. The wall is like the elephant in the room—not an obstacle, but the solid support that enables us to go deeper into our practice. Then explore the story of Ganesha, the Lord of new beginnings, who stands at the threshold. Learn how he came to have the head of an elephant and to be known as the remover of obstacles.

Saturday, January 9, 10AM - 11:30AM
Join us for this workshop of indulgently relaxing yoga asanas: Restorative yoga.
In this workshop, we let gravity do the work for us. This aspect of yoga uses props to fully support the mostly supine poses. Lying down, supported in different ways with the props, we can stay much longer in each pose, releasing tension, relaxing our muscles, and generating a calmness that pervades the synergistic being.

Saturday, November 14, 9AM-12PM
Break down and build up to Hanumanasana, or splits, and delve into the mythical story of Hanuman, the Monkey God.
Dissect Hanuman and his mythical origins. Explore the pose's physical components broken down into accessible parts, then incorporate the pieces to achieve the full pose. Woven into this practice and construction are the yoga philosophies and background stories to deepen the knowledge of yoga's divine foundations.

Workshop the challenging and rewarding dancer pose and dive deep into the mythical story of Nataraja, the Lord of Dance.
The Dancer
Saturday, October 17, 9AM-12PM
Dissect Nataraja and his mythical origins. Explore the pose's physical components broken down into accessible parts, then incorporate the pieces to achieve the full pose. Woven into this practice and construction are the yoga philosophies and background stories to deepen the knowledge of yoga's divine foundations.